April 26, 2011


This is a very raw post for me to write. God spoke very clearly and direct to me this morning when He was correcting me, yet again.

Over the past couple of days I have spoken a word here or there, really without even thinking about it, but as soon as I said it the Lord has had something to say about it. This morning I was texting my sister and when she had to go into a prayer meeting and my first response was "prayer is overrated" in a very sarcastic way. (Just to let you know prayer is a very important part of my life and I know that without prayer I could not do the things the Lord has asked of me to do.) But before I hit the send button the Lord spoke and said "that's enough."I know that I was joking and being sarcastic but the Lord didn't see it that way. Then He reminded me of all my other comments that I have made that have not been uplifting or honoring to Him or others.

The past two weeks have been really tough with my three kids. I know it is just a stage and I think the devil probably has a hand it it, because I'm stepping out in faith and speaking what the Lord has given me to speak. Just the other day I was speaking to a friend and was telling her about my week and used the word "hell" to describe my week and the Lord spoke and said "you don't have any idea what hell is really like."

Last week the Lord woke me up at 4am to give me some words to speak for the Women's Retreat I'm speaking at, and the next morning I put my facebook status as "Really God was 4am that necessary?"(As a sarcastic comment) Later that day my brother-in-law commented "yes it was". The Lord spoke and said "you get to talk to me whenever you want, so I get to talk to you whenever I want."

Now I didn't mean anything that I said, it was all sarcasm or just how I felt in the moment, but the Lord didn't see it that way. My words are suppose to be honoring, uplifting and a blessing to my Heavenly Father and others. In all of three of those instants they were none of the above. Even when I am joking around or in a bad mood my words need to be honoring to God.

Matthew 12:34b"For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." 
I want my words to reflect what is in my heart, even during hard times. I know my Lord has blessed in so many ways and He loves me with an unconditional love; He doesn't deserve me to speak unpleasant words even sarcastically.

Matthew 12:36 "But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgement for every careless word they have spoken."
When I stand before God I want to hear that my words uplifted people and people were blessed by what I said. I don't want to hear that I made others stumble or sin because of my words. I want to hear that I honored God with all that I did and said. I DO NOT want to hinder anyone or anything because of my words.

Proverbs 16:23-24 "A wise man's heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction. Pleasant words are honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." 
Lord please help me to use pleasant words, so I may help bring healing and not hurt. Help me to guard my mouth and make sure the words that I use are uplifting and honoring to you and to the others around me. Please show me and take away anything that is not pure in my heart so I may speak from my heart and know that only goodness, kindness and blessings come from the words that I speak.

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