We were doing some remodeling in our house and it required us to move out for about a month and let me tell you that was a really long month! Well anyways, we have been back in our house almost a month now and there are still things I'm trying to get back to "normal". We just hung up our pictures on the walls about a week ago and around that same time the kids were asking when are we going to set up the Christmas tree? I'm embarrassed to tell you that I had no desire to set up a Christmas tree and get out the decorations. I was still getting use to being back in our own house. Then in the mist of my selfishness the Lord spoke to me, "What about ME?"
That question really hit me hard! Christmas is not about presents, food or me and how I'm feeling, it is about how the Lord sacrificed His One and Only Son for us and how Jesus fulfilled what the His Father had asked of Him. I may of not been in the mood to put up a Christmas tree or listen to Christmas music, but it isn't about me, it is about Him and the Lord made that very clear. I don't know how many times I find myself saying "Oh I'm really not in the mood to go to church", or "I just don't feel like spending time with God today" and time and time again it hits me that it is not about ME! Do you think Jesus really wanted to die on the cross that day? Or do you think that God really wanted to be separated from His only son or watch His son be beaten? But both of them chose to carry out God's plan because they loved me and you more then we will ever know. On that day I took my eyes off of me and put them on Him and started preparing for the day we will celebrate our Savior's birth.
God desires us, but He wants us to make the choice to desire Him. We have the freedom to choose Him or not and we have control over our moods and attitudes. He doesn't want the attitude "if I have to" He wants us to have a joyful, willingness attitude to follow Him. I know He wants me to be excited for Christmas and He wants me to be thankful to Him for sending His son to earth so I could have everlasting life, but He can't make me have that attitude. I am the one that has to purposefully set my mind on Him and make the effort to put Him above everything else this Christmas season.
I know things can be really busy this time of year, but when you really stop and look at the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, how can you not get excited? I mean His birth was a complete miracle. Jesus was born to a virgin! The King of Kings was born in a stable with animals! Our Savior's first visitors were shepherds that didn't even know Mary or Joseph! A beautiful new star was placed over the stable! Wisemen got on camels and followed that star to bring Jesus gifts!
Today, I am making a choice to be excited for Christmas, a time to celebrate the coming of Christ. I am also choosing to put Him above all else this Christmas, because He is the reason we celebrate! Will join me in this?