Well it is mid May and this is my first post for 2012...not sure what to think of that. It's not like the Lord has not been speaking or moving, it's just I have not had a real impression on my heart to write about them until today. So I hope I am not to rusty after taking 5 1/2 months off :)
I looked back at my last post which was on promises and how God's promises have not changed for me and His plans for my life have remained the same even through hard trials. After reading it, I was just WOWED by how that is so true. Even though we feel like we have been forgotten or lost in the mix of "the more important" promises, it is not true. My God has NEVER forgotten me and He will never forget you. Today I write you with two promises that are in the midst of being fulfilled! Much of which was lost in the last 2 years of my life is being restored to me.
1) A little over a week ago God took a friendship that for almost a year has been shattered, broken and many may have looked at it as unfixable, but the Lord is so much bigger then anything the devil divides. What was lost is now being found again. What was shattered is being made into something new. The process has been very challenging for me, because I am a person that would rather let things go, but I knew that was not what the Lord was calling me to. This is a work in progress, but for the first time in months I have hope for this friendship and am so glad that Lord wouldn't let me, let go.
2) This next one is something that I am very excited to share with each one of you...I am expecting a BABY around Thanksgiving. Nine weeks ago I found out I was pregnant and I was scared to death. Two months prior to this I was told that I had a blood disorder that could cause miscarriages and/or possible pregnancy complications. I was advised to see a OB/GYN that deals with high risk pregnancies before getting pregnant. Well due to sickness and conflict of schedules I had not been able to get in to see this doctor and then I find out I expecting (which was a bit of a shock) threw me into panic mode. But because this was God's plan and not mine he had everything worked out in advance. I was able to find a good doctor who was able to see me right away, we were able to come up with a plan to help me get through the first 12 weeks and I have been able to have two ultrasounds that have showed a very healthy baby with a strong heartbeat.
Now in now way is this baby replacing the two I lost, but this is God fulfilling His promise that I felt like He gave me after my first miscarriage. My two other babies will always hold a special place in my heart and I can't wait till I get to hold them and hug them in heaven, but this baby, to me, is God showing His goodness and favor. I am so blessed that my God is full of love and compassion and that He NEVER forgets us, not ever!!!
During this pregnancy I would ask for your prayers for a healthy, strong baby to arrive without any complications. I have had so much peace over this pregnancy and little fear, but I know the devil would like nothing better to change all of that, so your prayers would mean so much to me.
If you have been praying for areas in your life to be restored I would say KEEP praying, don't give up! Our God has NOT forgotten you and He loves you so very much!!!